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CRIS Resources

On this page you will find resources for pupils, school staff & educational practitioners - which are a result of nearly 40 years of CRIS practice and learning.
Curriculum-linked Good Relations content for teachers, pupils, and school development infomation are presented in both video and text.


'Buddy Up!' Curiculum Linked Resources

'Buddy Up!' programmes are designed to explore Community Relations themes in engaging and age appropriate forms. 

Below you will find pupil booklets and teacher guides for our Key Stage 1 programme, 'Celebrating Diversity', and our Key Stage 2 programme, 'Knowing Me, Knowing You'.

All of these resources are linked to the Personal Devleopment & Mutual Understanding goals of the Northern Ireland Curriculum.

Celebrating Diversity Teacher Guide:
'Buddy Up!' Key Stage 1 

Celebrating Diversity
Pupil Booklet:

'Buddy Up!' Key Stage 1

Celebrating Diversity

Pupil Booklet:

'Buddy Up!' Key Stage 1

Irish Language 

Resources: Files

Knowing Me, Knowing You 
Teacher Guide:

'Buddy Up!' Key Stage 2 

Coming Soon

Knowing Me, Knowing You 
Pupil Booklet: 
'Buddy Up!' Key Stage 2

Trusting GRACE:
The development of trust indicators from the
Good Relations and Collaborative Education
(GRACE) model of schools-based peacebuilding

Trusting GRACE is a new research model, developed by CRIS and Coventry University's Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations.

The research presents indicators of trust in education-based peacebuilding, which have been derived from both academic literature and primary research emerging from CRIS practice.

Trusting GRACE:

The development of trust indicators from theGood Relations and Collaborative Education (GRACE) model of schools-based peacebuilding.

'Good Relations and Collaborative Education'  (GRACE)


These resources draw together the learning and experience gained by CRIS over decades from its practice in promoting inclusive school communities as part of building a shared society.

The GRACE Model practice guide and accompanying media resources explore five stages of collaboration and outline key insights gained through case-studies at each point of the collaborative process.

Good Relations and Collaborative Education (GRACE)
Practice Guide

'Buddy Up!'  - A Whole School Community Resource for Sharing in Education at Nursery & Primary School Level

These resources were developed by CRIS in partnership with Holy Cross Nursery School & Edenderry Nursery School. The 'Buddy Up!' model is based on the combined experience of the three organisations in designing a Buddy System that builds relationships between pupils, staff and families across school partnerships.

The digital media resource gives practical information for school staff interested in setting up their own Buddy system. 

'Buddy Up!'

Whole School Community Resource Practice Guide

Joining Up:
Reconciliation and Education

‘Joining Up’ is a collaborative initiative by CRIS and The Corrymeela Community that documents key learning on the journey of reconciliation and education in Northern Ireland.

Reflections have been collated through a series of shared learning events with stakeholders from the Third Sector, Academics, Schools, DENI, EA, support bodies, and ETI and are presented as digital Case Studies and an academic paper.

The video case studies and paper by Dr. Norman Richardson can be found below.

Education and Reconciliation: Reflections on the Journey

Norman Richardson

Developing Effective Parental Engagement and Community Connections

Parent and community support is vital to ‘Building a Sustainable Hub’ for Good Relations and an important link to Stage 3 of CRIS’s Good Relations and Collaborative Education GRACE Model.

Developing Effective Parental Engagement and Community Connections is a resource designed to support schools in Shared Education and other partnerships to embed sustainability into their collaborative practice around educational and reconciliation outcomes.  The resource focus is a practical guide to how involving parents in school shared education partnership work has clear educational and reconciliation benefits, such as:

• A strengthened partnership and commitment between home and school which helps to maximise educational and reconciliation opportunities and learning for children and young people;

• A deepened understanding and experience of whole and shared school community across the partner schools;

• Enhanced relational and learning opportunities for adults (parents, staff, governors and others), including around the more challenging aspects of Community Relations/ reconciliation/diversity and inclusion;

• Positive impacts beyond the partner schools into family networks; into local and wider communities; and a stronger, shared ‘voice’ for influencing educational and other policy and practice going forward

Developing Effective Parental Engagement and Community Connections

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